• No, this website and business are purely for commercial purposes and does not promote, endorse or affiliate with any political candidate, campaign or party.

    However, Pablo stands by and believes in his causes and issues.

  • Pablo is a cat of the people, for the people. Since the day he was rescued off the streets of Mississippi, Pablo has dedicated his life to giving back to all living creatures, and he believes in the goodness of humanity.

    Pablo believes that in order to bring about real change, we must work to build partnerships and foster collaboration built on mutual respect at all levels of society and government.

    Pablo encourages political leaders across the country to join him in actively seeking areas of common ground and to promote unity instead of divisiveness, not only across party lines, but also in their ideologies and the communities they were elected to serve and represent.

  • Proceeds from all sales go towards supporting Pablo’s comfortable existence. Additionally, he shares a small portion with his two brothers, a cat and a dog, and his human pet mom.

    Despite Pablo’s life of luxury, he and his family firmly believe in giving back to their community and Nation. Therefore, Pablo pledges to donate 10% of his annual profits, which will be split equally, among multiple non-profit organizations whose efforts support humans well-being, climate change solutions and animals. Information about Pablo’s donations will be listed on this website once they’ve been contributed.

  • Pablo does not identify with, nor support, any political parties.

    However, Pablo does support leaders who put their own feelings, egos and petty differences aside in order to focus on the real issues that are impacting the constituents they were elected to serve.

    Pablo’s goal is to emphasize the need for respectful and constructive collaboration to improve the lives of all Americans.

  • No, Pablo does not accept any kind of donations because Pablo for President is a for-profit company.

    If you are interested in giving back towards the causes that Pablo supports, he encourages folks to reach out to their local non-profits to see where the needs may be greatest. If you are unsure where to start, check out our Resource page for ideas.